Dr Ioannis Papadimitriou is a research associate in the Information Technologies Institute of the Centre for Reasearch & Technology – Hellas (CERTH). His main research interests range from materials design, to the linking of the atomistic to the micro scale and subsequently the coupling of atomistic and continuum models. A big part of this key aim is taking advantage of the rapid evolution of Machine Learning in order to develop new methods and models that would enable the tailoring of the desired properties, thus helping the acceleration of design and development of novel structural materials for different applications. Since 2011 he is part of European and international projects (ACCMET, CARDIOSOL, VIRMETAL, HEXAGB), has worked with various companies and organisations (Rolls Royce, Jaguar Land Rover, POSCO, ESA) and international research institutes (POSCO Research labs, RR R&D Dept, Los Alamos National Lab, Argonne National Lab) He has more than 20 journal papers and is a reviewer for J. Alloys Compd. και Mater. Des.
Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology – Hellas
Email: i.papadimitriou@iti.gr